[Below pricing is for the Premium Plan. If you are looking for a Free Plan, click here]

Our pricing is a flat 15% commission of gains generated.

These gains include both realized and unrealized values.

Payout Schedule

Our payout structure works somewhat like a telecom operator’s model. At the start, you recharge for a minimum of 3 months of projected value and your services last till the time your recharge gets exhausted. As you accrue gains, the commission keeps getting deducted from the recharge until recharge is exhausted.

In case of negative gains in a month, we top up your recharge with the relevant value from our side.

You keep topping up to extend services. You will get recharge reminders at set intervals before the expiry [again, just like telecom operators do].

<aside> ℹ️ You should do a recharge before your previous recharge gets exhausted. If you fail to do so and your recharge balance goes into negative territory, your services will be suspended immediately.


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