Some more points to note -
On Our Goal
We, at Moneyplication, try and shorten your journey toward Financial Freedom.
However we might agree that there’s no way to A/B test this journey - you can’t calculate the delta between the scenarios where you undertake this journey on your own v/s riding with us. Also, a lot of it depends on other variables, which many a times, are out of our sphere of influence. These are like -
- The amount you are able to save each month
- Your lifestyle, monthly average expense, desire to undertake large one-time expenses et al
- Whether or not you are able to grow your earning
- The amount you are able to save so far
- Profit growing capability of an overall economy
- Sentiments of the market participants
- Your own comfort with the Stage of Financial Freedom you deem fit for yourself
- and many others.
So it won’t make sense to hold us by the neck with so many factors influencing the outcomes which are outside of anyone’s control.
We can only assure you that we try hard to achieve the set goal with an unmatched discipline and dedication.
On Investing
- [ ] What we try to do is to beat returns of mutual funds. What we try is not always what we get. But we try anyway.
- [ ] There is no commitment to generate any % return. Committing anything of that sort is purely illegal!
- [ ] What we hope is to not lose money - that’s more than half the battle won. However, hope isn’t something that’s always granted.
- [ ] All the buy / sell decisions in your trading accounts will be your own responsibility, taken under no influence whatsoever. For someone who calls you and asks for it, you should proudly say “YES, I HAVE DONE ALL THE TRADES FROM MY ACCOUNT [WHICH NOBODY ELSE HAS ACCESS TO]”.